Learn from experiences of others, get answers from professionals
Welcome! Here you can find all our upcoming events and also recommended events for entrepreneurs (in Austria and global)
6Beginner questions
Registration, taxes, insurance, part-time self-employment, ask anything.
Anything related to taxes for self-employed, related forms finanzamt, request a tax advisor help, calculate taxes
37SVS - Social Security
Health, accident, pension insurance, dealing with SVS, contributions, filling out forms and more
11Business/services promotion
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your business, how's the journey of self-employment been for you so far
1- 8
Other Topics
Other questions, ideas, general discussions, requests, meetups, events, and more!
Welcome! Here you can post your job offers for freelancers
14Small Business Regulation
Everything related to small business regulation "kleinunternehmerregelung"
4Invoice/ Contract
Let's talk about what an invoice and a contract should include.
5Marketing & Sales
How to increase sales and bring better results from marketing efforts?
3Productivity / Organisation
Useful tools, motivation, maintaining energy, planning, office/documents organisation, high performance, and more!